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Ethics, Culture and Psychiatry

Ethics, Culture, and Psychiatry: International Perspectives is a textbook that explores the best ways to promote the use of the Declaration of Madrid, which outlines ethical standards for psychiatric practice throughout the world. The book is written with two questions in mind, both easy to pose and difficult to answer: - Is it possible to formulate a set of principles that will be valid for all psychiatrists, regardless of the cultures to which they belong or in which they live and practice, or are there as many sets of ethical principles as there are cultures?- If there is such a set of principles, what should we do to ensure that psychiatry as a discipline makes a significant contribution to societal good without helping the evil?

Ahmed Okasha, Julio Arboleda-Flórez and Norman Sartorius editors


RC 455.2.E8 E84 2000

July 12, 2000